System announcement |
Please notify your course instructor/tutor IMMEDIATELY should you find you are enrolled to the incorrect course section/tutorial group in PASS. Your coursework mark will be ZERO if you are in the incorrect course section/tutorial group. |
2013-11-11 17:15 |
To download Microsoft Visual Studio, log in http://msdnaa.cs.cityu.edu.hk with your CityU EID (in format of CITYUMD\<CityU EID>, e.g., CITYUMD\joedoe997) and password. |
2012-08-24 10:00 |
Our records indicated that some students have submitted more than 50 tests for a single assignment. We must stress that PASS is not a compiler. You should always compile and test your programs on your own machine before submission to PASS. To test your program for correctness, you may download test cases from PASS. |
2011-10-27 22:30 |
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